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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Your tax money at work: Hamas video of underground missile launcher in action

Hamas has released video of one of its underground missile launchers in action.

Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Shy Guy).

How do you find hundreds of those? The answer is that you probably don't. Instead, you have to flatten the entire strip. Think Dresden:

Arutz Sheva adds:
The video indicates the amount of effort and money that Hamas invested in its anti-Israel military infrastructure that is partly financed by foreign aid and transfers by Israel of taxes collected on behalf of the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority, which funnels part of the funds to Hamas.

The Israeli Air Force has knocked out a number of the underground sites, but it is not known how many remain.

Hamas has copied the Hizbullah tactic used in the 2006 Second Lebanon War, when Israeli intelligence was surprised by the use of underground bunkers and tunnels against the army.

Military intelligence has been far better in Gaza. Unlike Lebanon, where then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak pulled out all Israeli army personnel in a sudden withdrawal from the southern Lebanese security Zone in 2000, Gaza has no scarcity of collaborators working against the terrorist regime.

Army spokespersons said Sunday morning that intelligence information has helped the Air Force pinpoint targets, especially the underground launching sites and a storage building for the Iranian Fajr missiles that have been fired at Tel Aviv.

Yes, if you live in Israel, the US or Europe, your tax money, in the form of aid to the 'Palestinian Authority' is financing these missiles.

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At 12:21 PM, Blogger Jesterhead45 said...

Dresden along with how the Sri Lankans defeated the Tamil Tigers are really the only way for Israel to defeat Hamas, whether our leaders possess the wisdom and understanding to fully accomplish it against those who follow the idol of "world opinion" is another matter entirely.


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