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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hagel on 'Palestinian' terror: 'Desperate people do desperate things'

I suppose it was inevitable that something like this would surface. In 1998, Chuck Hagel waved away 'Palestinian' terrorism saying 'desperate people will do desperate things.' I'm sure he still feels the same way today.
Glenn Kessler has a helpful roundup of some of the most troubling Chuck Hagel comments (though a much more extensive list can be found at ECI’s ChuckHagel.com). This one in particular, from a 1998 AP interview, jumped out:
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ”essentially stopped the process,” Hagel said. ”The Israeli government essentially continues to play games,” stonewalling implementation of the Oslo peace accords.
”What I fear more today is that desperate men do desperate things when you take hope away,” Hagel said. ”And that’s where the Palestinians are today.”
The Israeli government needs to understand that implementation of the peace agreement is in its own interests, he said. 
Hagel said Arabs generally believe America ”has tilted toward Israel” in its Mideast relations and there will be no lasting peace in the region without relationships with Iran. 
”I think we should continue to pursue openings with Iran, understanding this is still a nation very hostile to the West,” he said. ”We need to understand cold, hard realities and be very clear-eyed and clearheaded, but every opening we should take.”
The AP interview was given on August 27, 1998. Netanyahu - then in his first term - signed the disastrous Wye River Memorandum (which I often refer to as the Why, Why, Wye agreement) on October 23, 1998. And the 'Palestinian' terrorism continued.

Maybe Hagel was wrong about Netanyahu?

Read the whole thing.

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At 10:22 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Another one to the 'list' - Chuck Hagel : "The Palestinian people who have been chained down for many, many years.".

At 9:06 AM, Blogger buttsms said...

Even with the advantage of being right, you can never beat a man whose job depends upon your being wrong. Any number of good causes have in the end failed because it was the passionate against the desperate. Luckily, England in the approach to World War II did not represent such a situation. Todd Zywicki, having just read Troublesome Young Men, here summarizes the story of the ouster of Chamberlain. I have been meaning to read that book for a long while; perhaps I will have a chance at the shore next week.


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