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Sunday, September 01, 2013

Dear Assad....


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At 9:59 PM, Blogger Sunlight said...

I keep waiting for the "world community" to call Russia on the carpet and tell them to get their chemical weapons under control... if the "world community" thinks Bashar Assad is the gasser. Because isn't Russia supposedly the source of Bashar Assad's chemical weapons? Has the UN indicted the Russians for proliferation? But Putin just denies denies denies... does he have swabs, soil tests, etc. that make him able to deny? I guess it's easier to just blast away at the fecklessness of the US than to call out the former KGB commies.

That said, if the case for the US going after Assad for gassing is that that would be a proxy for going after Iran for nukes (which the Obama/Hillary2016 Posse has demonstrated repeatedly that they aren't going to do, regardless of Israeli Gaia cooperation and celebratory campaign ad video footage), then that would start to engage the morals of people who want lab test data... and who maybe think the Black Flag Cannibal Al Qaeda would be conceivably worse in charge of Syria than the Butcher Assad. And who would be "ruthless" enough to hold Syria from either of those... Egypt thinks the US are a bunch of jerks for helping Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.


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